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Our mission for health and wellness goes far beyond the walls of our offices. Because our actions affect our employees, our customers, our communities and the Earth, we strive to do business in an honest, supportive and sustainable way that benefits everyone.


Every standard we set and every decision is the culmination of years of research and face to face customer exchange. The safety, quality, sustainability and price of the products we sell are determined with our community member’s best interest at heart.


We support socially, economically, and ecologically sustainable food systems that promote health – the current and future health of individuals, communities, and the natural environment.


Some of the key issues we address on behalf of our customers are global issues, like building public awareness about genetically modified food, and others are local issues like the quality of food at a school cafeteria.


We Use Food Practices That Are:


Support the physical and mental health of the community with high quality foods.



Meets current nutrition needs without compromising the ability of the system to meet the needs of future generations.



Provides equitable physical access to health food that is affordable.




Provides opportunities for farmers, workers and eaters to gain the knowledge necessary to understand how food is produced, transformed, distributed, marketed, consumed and disposed.


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