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As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, financial donations received are tax deductible and there are many ways to help make a difference in the lives of the local community, so please consider a few of the following options:


1) Financial contributions
Donate online or via mail. Please include all of your contact information and any special instructions for your donation. If you would like to support a specific program at World Burns, simply specify that program in the notes section of your check or online donation. All checks should be made out to “World Burns Inc." and sent to the following address:

World Burns Inc.
2479 N.  1st Street
Milwaukee, WI 53212


2) Special Event Sponsorships
Throughout the year, World Burns organizes popular events that need your support in order to raise funds for the health programs at World Burns. To find out how you can support these fundraisers and receive recognition for your generosity within the community, contact us today!


3) Honors and Memorials
Anyone who wishes to memorialize a departed friend or loved one, or to honor an individual or significant event, may send a gift to World Burns in their name. Families can be notified of these contributions with an appropriate card, and the names will be listed in the next issue of our newsletter.
When applying, specify whether the donation is to be an honor or a memorial, and include your contact information along with the contact information of anyone you wish to be notified of the gift.


4) Stocks, Endowments and Annuities
Gift annuities are just one of the many planned giving options you have if you're interested in helping create a secure future for both yourself and World Burns. During your lifetime, the annuity provides you with a substantial, guaranteed (and partly tax free) income. After your passing, the annuity will continue to support the families in the local community through World Burns.


Use the easy links below to make your financial donation today or call 773.875.8437 or email us at to make arrangements to donate other resources.


For those wanting to donate time and service, please visit our Volunteers page for more information and for current activities we need help in.Thank you!


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